23 가정·직장생활_21006-0346.mp3
2022학년 수능특강 영어듣기 23 가정·직장생활 대본 및 정답 mp3 ebs
23 가정·직장생활
정답 ⑤
W: Jason, I heard you’re planning a sports day for your company.
M: Yeah, it’s next Saturday. But the problem is that I haven’t been able to reserve a place yet.
W: Oh, really? Have you looked into Portman Sports Center?
M: I have. Unfortunately, they’re remodeling now.
W: That’s too bad. It’s perfect for sports events.
M: I know. Well, I’ve been looking everywhere, but every place I’ve called is booked.
W: Oh, no. Can you postpone the event until they finish remodeling?
M: No, we can’t. The company has a busy schedule after that day.
W: Hmm. How about Whelford High School? They
have great sports facilities.
M: Really? Are they open to the public?
W: Sure, they are. We rented them for a company event last month.
M: Sounds like a good place to reserve.
W: Yes, it is. But the facilities are popular, so you’d better hurry up.
M: Thanks. I’ll call now to see if they’re available that day.
01 정답 ①
[Script & Translation]
W: Honey, you seem kind of low on energy these days.
M: I am. I’m pretty burnt out.
W: Well, you worked late all week and didn’t get any rest last weekend. So it’s no wonder.
M: Right. I couldn’t rest at all since I had to go to my parents on Saturday and help my cousin move on Sunday.
W: It’s important to make time for yourself to avoid being burnt out. Why don’t you do that this
M: But do what exactly?
W: Anything. You’re so busy nowadays that I’m guessing it’s been a while since you’ve done anything just for yourself.
M: I know! It’s been so long I don’t know what to do.
W: Is there anything you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t?
M: Not really.
W: You can just take a walk, go fishing, or do whatever makes you feel happy.
M: Good idea! I’ll do that.
02 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
W: Hi, Mr. Lang. I’m Susie Brown, the one who called you last Saturday.
M: Hello, Ms. Brown. Come on in.
W: I’ve been to many of your exhibitions. I love your style of sculpture.
M: Really? Thank you. Please have a seat here.
W: Thanks. I want to check the sample sketches of the statue for the company library and decide on the final design.
M: Okay. Here are several designs for you to choose from.
W: Thanks. I like all of them, but I love this one with the eagle over an open book.
M: I’m glad you like it. You asked me to do a life-size bronze, right?
W: Yes. How long will it take you to finish it? The library is opening at the end of next month.
M: Don’t worry. I can finish it before then. I’ll keep you posted on the progress.
03 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
W: Honey, how do you like the setup for Adam’s graduation party?
M: Wow, it’s awesome! I love that big picture of Adam on the left side of the wall.
W: It’s one of his best graduation photos, right?
M: Definitely. Who hung the balloons over the picture?
W: I did. It was high but I could reach. It’s not a party without balloons.
M: Right. I like the rectangular banner that says “Congratulations, Adam!”
W: Thanks. I think that next to the picture is the perfect place for it.
M: I agree. Oh, you moved the round table here from the living room?
W: Yes, I needed it to put the cake on. That’s the two layer square cake Uncle Jim made. He brought it this morning.
M: How kind of him! Adam will love this party.
04 정답 ①
[Script & Translation]
M: Honey, I can’t find my hiking jacket. Have you seen it?
W: No, but I’m sure it’ll turn up sometime.
M: I need it. My company’s spring hiking event is coming up.
W: Oh, right. When is it this year?
M: Saturday, May 15.
W: We’d better find the jacket then. Do you remember when you last wore it?
M: I haven’t worn it since the hiking event last year.
W: Didn’t you donate it when you took your old stuff to the charity shop?
M: No. I wouldn’t have done that. [Pause] Ah, I lent it to my younger brother a couple of months ago.
W: Why don’t you call him to see if he has it?
M: No, I’m sure it’s there. I’ll go over and pick it up.
W: Okay. Say hi for me.
05 정답 ①
[Script & Translation]
M: Hello. Welcome to Happy Pharmacy. Can I help you find anything?
W: Yes. I’m looking for some multivitamins.
M: All right. Just follow me. [Pause] They’re right here. Why don’t you get this set? It’s $100 for three bottles.
W: How much is just one bottle?
M: It’s $40 a bottle, so you save money if you buy three.
W: Okay, I’ll take three bottles. Can a child take these too? I have an 11-year-old son.
M: He should take a multivitamin for children. I recommend this one. It’s $20 per bottle.
W: Great. I’ll take one bottle.
M: All right. That’s three bottles of the multivitamin for adults and one bottle of the children’s multivitamin. Do you need anything else?
W: No, that’s all. And do you still have “Vitamin Sale Mondays”?
M: Yes. Today you’ll get 10% off the total price.
W: Perfect. Here’s my credit card.
M: Thanks.
06 정답 ②
[Script & Translation]
M: Honey, look at this. Lala online shop is having a big sale.
W: Great! Are Unicorn roller skates on sale? I’d like to buy a pair for Rita’s birthday. They weren’t on sale at the mall.
M: Oh, yeah! They are.
W: Great! Do they have her size? She’s a size 6.
M: Let’s see. [Pause] It says they have them. And you know what? Delivery is free.
W: Awesome! Let’s order them, then. M: Wait! Buying these won’t work. W: Why is that?
M: Rita’s birthday is this weekend, and these are shipped internationally, so we won’t get them in time. It says it’ll take over a week.
W: That’s too bad. Then we should buy something else.
M: So, do you have any ideas?
W: No. I’ll ask her what she wants.
07 정답 ④
[Script & Translation]
M: Honey, finally, we are here. This is the Metropol Parasol, one of the most famous structures in Spain. Doesn’t it look amazing?
W: Yeah. And it looks like mushrooms.
M: So it’s also called the Mushrooms of Seville.
W: Cool. How much is the admission?
M: It’s only $3. It’s cheap, isn’t it?
W: Yeah, that’s a good deal. It looks fairly new.
M: It is. It was built in 2011. I heard that it was really expensive to build.
W: Was it?
M: It seems it was so much that people were opposed to building it at first.
W: Wow. Do you know how much it cost?
M: I heard it was about 55 million dollars.
W: That is a lot. I love the design, though. It’s really unique.
M: It was designed by the German architect Jürgen Mayer.
W: Let’s go up to the top. I want to see the night view.
08 정답 ③
[Script & Translation]
W: John, have you found anything interesting on sale on the Internet?
M: It’s getting hot, so I was looking at some mini USB desktop fans for the office.
W: Sounds good. That’d be more efficient than using an air conditioner. I’d also like one.
M: Then let’s choose one together. These are the five most popular models. What do you think?
W: They all look nice, but I don’t want to spend over
M: Me, neither. What size would you like? They come in two sizes.
W: Desktop fans should be small. 12 inches seems too
big for a desk.
M: I agree. And some of them offer more than one wind speed.
W: Yeah, it’d be great to choose one of those.
M: Right. Let’s get one with more than one wind speed. Now we’re down to these two choices. Which color do you prefer?
W: I like black better.
M: I quite like that one too. Let’s order two.
W: Okay.
09 정답 ③
[Script & Translation]
W: Honey, I think we should start having the kids do
household chores with us.
M: Good idea. They could learn about responsibility and cooperation.
W: Right. But I’m not sure what chores they can do at their age.
M: They can separate trash or fold laundry.
10 정답 ③
[Script & Translation]
M: Mom, I think I need to get a haircut. What do you think?
W: Yeah, your hair is pretty long. I think you should get it trimmed.
M: Okay. Do you know of any good places in the neighborhood? The barbershop I used to go to closed down.
W: I know of one. It’s only two blocks from our place.
11 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
M: Agnes, you look upset. Is there something wrong?
W: Yes. Benny, can we talk for a moment?
M: Of course. What’s the matter?
W: Well... actually, it’s about Ellen. She seems to have some type of misunderstanding about me.
M: Really? What do you mean?
W: She seems to think she received the poor evaluation on her last annual report because of me.
M: What? That’s not true, you know.
W: That’s what I mean. I can’t believe she’s been making those false claims without talking to me first.
M: That’s strange. She’s usually communicative and sensible. If she had thought you were the reason for her bad evaluation, she would’ve discussed it with you.
W: I think so, too. I don’t know what to do.
M: Why don’t you have an honest talk with Ellen about the problem?
12 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
M: Claire and Mike are close friends that work together at the same office. One day, Mike has to leave quickly on a business trip. He leaves all his papers scattered on his desk. Claire wants to help him out, so she tidies up his desk and puts all his papers in a drawer. Mike suddenly returns because he forgot an important paper. He gets frustrated because he can’t
find the paper he needs. He tells Claire that she shouldn’t have moved his papers. She feels bad and wants to tell him that she was doing him a favor. In this situation, what would Claire most likely say to Mike?
Claire: I’m really sorry, but I did it with the best intentions.
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