The Hound and the Hare, 사냥개와 토끼, 이솝우화
A Hound chased a Hare for a long time. Then he came up to her and started first to bite and then lick her.
The poor Hare, not knowing what to make of his actions, said, "If you are a friend, why do you bite me?
If an enemy, why caress me?"
Better a certain enemy than a doubtful friend.
The Donkey in the Lion's skin, 사자의 탈을 쓴 당나귀, 이솝우화 (0) |
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The Arab and the Camel, 아랍인과 낙타, 이솝우화 (0) |
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The Fisherman, 어부, 이솝우화 (0) |
2021.12.25 |
The Weasel and the Man, 족제비와 남자, 이솝우화 (0) |
2021.12.24 |
The Fisherman Piping, 농부 피리 소리, 이솝우화 (0) |
2021.12.24 |
Posted by 최 샘