15 긴 대화의 응답_21006-0338_a.mp3
15 긴 대화의 응답_21006-0338_통파일.mp3
2022학년 수능특강 영어듣기 15 긴 대화의 응답 대본 및 정답 mp3 ebs
15 긴 대화의 응답
기출 예제 ②
Exercises 01 ① 02 ④ 03 ③ 04 ⑤ 05 ⑤ 06 ①
07 ⑤ 08 ④ 09 ⑤ 10 ④ 11 ③ 12 ②
[Script & Translation]
M: Amy, what are you reading?
W: Dad, it’s a book for my philosophy course.
M: Let me take a look. Wow! It’s a book by Kant.
W: Yeah. It’s very difficult to understand.
M: You’re right. His books take a lot of effort to read since they include his deep knowledge and thoughts.
W: I think so, too. Do you have any ideas for me to understand the book better, Dad?
M: Well, why don’t you join a philosophy discussion group? You can find one in our area.
W: Are there discussion groups for philosophy? That sounds interesting.
M: Yeah. You can share ideas with others in the group about the book you’re reading.
W: You mean I can understand Kant’s book more clearly by discussing it?
M: Absolutely. Plus, you can develop critical thinking skills in the group as well.
W: Terrific! I’ll check right away if there are any nearby.
정답 ②
01 정답 ①
[Script & Translation]
W: Hi, Luke. I haven’t seen you around school these days.
M: Hi, Joan. I’ve been so focused on getting ready for the basketball tryouts.
W: Oh, really? When are they?
M: This Friday afternoon.
W: There’s not a lot of time left. This is your first time trying out, isn’t it?
M: No, second time. Unfortunately, last year I didn’t make it.
W: I hope you make it this time. How are you feeling?
M: Not bad. But last year I was so nervous that I made a few dribbling mistakes.
W: So is that what you’ve been focusing on?
M: Yeah, mainly dribbling skills. I practice for an hour every day. I’m pretty confident.
W: Great. I hope you make the team this time.
02 정답 ④
[Script & Translation]
M: Honey, what a nice day to relax in the park!
W: Yeah, the weather’s perfect. Take a look at that woman and child over there.
M: You mean the people sitting on the blanket?
W: Yeah. The woman hasn’t looked at her smartphone the entire time they’ve been sitting there. She’s been talking with her child the whole time.
M: That’s good to see, but sadly, pretty rare these days. It seems that most people just stare at their smartphones wherever they are.
W: I know. Even when they hang out with others. It’s not good.
M: For sure. It’s just so bad for people’s eyes too. People shouldn’t be constantly looking at such a small screen.
W: That’s true too.
M: It has negative impacts on social relationships, too. When people are together, they shouldn’t just glue themselves to their smartphones.
W: Good point. People spend much less time talking and deepening their relationships.
M: Right. People need to put their phones down more often.
03 정답 ③
[Script & Translation] [Cell phone rings.] M: Hi, honey.
W: Hi, David. When will you be home today?
M: Well, I’m not sure yet. I still have to finish a sales report.
W: Okay. By the way, I just found out my friend Emma was in a car accident this morning. She’s at the hospital right now.
M: Oh, no. How is she?
W: She said she just has some minor injuries, but I’d like to go see her anyway.
M: She’s your best friend. Of course you should go. You must be worried.
W: Yes. But I need you to come home early to take care of the kids if I visit her.
M: I see. I’ll try my best to finish as soon as possible, but I guess it may take a while to finish the report. Why don’t you ask Ms. Barnes next door for help like we’ve done before?
W: Well, I tried and she said she’s going out this evening.
M: Okay. Then I’ll be home by 6 o’clock. If anything changes, I’ll let you know.
W: Thanks. If you’re going to be late, please call me.
04 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
M: Helen, I’m glad we could meet up and ride today.
W: Me, too. It’s a perfect day for a bike ride, isn’t it?
M: Yeah. We went west last time, so how about going east this time?
W: Sure, sounds good. Do you want to go to White
Pearl Lake?
M: Yes. We could have lunch there and come back.
W: Sounds awesome! [Pause] Hey, Daniel, your rear tire looks a little flat.
M: Oh, you’re right.
W: There’s a bike shop near here. Let’s go there really quick.
M: I don’t think we need to. There’s still enough air left in it. Let’s just start our ride.
W: But the tire tube may be torn. That can be dangerous while you ride.
M: I’m sure there’s a bike shop along the ride, though.
W: No. I searched the route with my smartphone yesterday. There is no bike shop on the way to the lake.
M: Really? Then let’s get my tire pumped up before we start riding.
프로) 바람을 넣다
05 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
M: Honey, I’m home. How was your day?
W: Tiring. I spent all day taking care of the kids at home.
M: Oh, you didn’t take Charlie to daycare?
W: No, because he had a slight stomachache in the morning.
M: Really? Did you take him to the doctor?
W: No. He was up early, so I put him down for a nap. When he woke up, he was feeling better, so I decided not to go to the doctor.
M: That’s good. What did our little Amy do all day?
W: I read her a lot of books. She only ever wants to read books. Shouldn’t she be playing more?
M: Books are good too, but if you want I’ll go play with Amy in her room. I haven’t played much with the kids recently.
W: Well, why don’t we take the kids outside to the park? Charlie was home all day, too.
M: Okay. But I’m a little worried that he might still have a stomachache.
W: It’s okay. He has felt fine since he woke up from his nap.
06 정답 ①
[Script & Translation]
M: Lydia, do you know a good online store for groceries?
W: No. I don’t do much shopping online these days.
M: Really? You used to always shop online.
W: I know. It does save time and money, but I stopped a few months ago.
M: Why is that?
W: I started feeling bad about all the packaging it uses.
I mean, especially fresh food with all the Styrofoam boxes and ice packs. It’s just so wasteful.
M: Sure, but why does that bother you so much?
W: Because I just think that it’s bad for the environment.
M: I didn’t think about that. I just shop online because it’s cheap and convenient.
W: A lot of people feel that way. But I hope they start to really think about the consequences of all the online shopping they do.
M: That makes me think again about doing online shopping.
07 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
W: Daniel, do you have a moment?
M: Sure, Ms. Watson. What is it? You sound a little worried.
W: I’ve checked out the monthly sales report you made.
M: Is there anything wrong with it?
W: Well, I’ve noticed the number of items being returned by customers has been rising lately.
M: Right. I was going to talk to you about it. I’ve read a lot of online customer reviews and a significant number of people have been complaining about the quality of our products.
W: Oh, really? What do you think is the problem?
M: I think there’s something wrong with our quality control. I think you need to talk to the quality control department about this.
W: I will. Negative reviews can really damage the good reputation we’ve built up over the years.
M: Right. I think you need to address this immediately.
W: For sure. I’ll talk to the manager of the quality control department.
08 정답 ④
[Script & Translation]
W: Tony, why do you have that bandage on your hand?
M: Oh, it’s nothing serious. I got a small scratch while playing with my puppy, Lucy. I never imagined having a dog would be this hard.
W: Right. It’s not easy. You feed her, walk her, wash her, play with her, but she still needs your attention constantly.
M: You’re right. I don’t mind doing those things. But I can’t stand it when she misbehaves. She chews on my shoes and furniture, and barks for no reason at times.
W: Hmm. Have you thought about taking her to a dog
training center? They could help you train your dog.
M: I’ve never thought about that. Is there a dog training center around here?
W: I know there are some in town, but I don’t know where. Just check online.
M: Okay, I will. Do you think they could really fix Lucy’s behavior?
W: Yeah. They’ll teach you how to understand your dog and what to do when she misbehaves.
M: Great. I’ll find a good training center to take my dog to.
09 정답 ⑤
[Script & Translation]
M: Long time no see, Sophia. How was your summer vacation?
W: Hi, Dylan. It was amazing. I went to Antarctica.
M: Really? That’s so cool!
W: Yeah. Here, let me show you a short video.
M: [Pause] Wow, it looks beautiful. I’d love to go there sometime.
W: I highly recommend it if you have a chance.
M: It’s far, but I heard the journey is meaningful.
W: It can be, but you should do a little research on Antarctica before going.
M: Oh, did you do that?
W: Yeah. I actually did a lot of research on Antarctica in advance. It helped me know what to go see.
M: I’ll have to do that.
W: I can just email you all the information I’ve got if you want.
M: Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather research on my own. I’ll learn more that way.
W: Good idea. Then it’ll be like your own personal journey.
10 정답 ④
[Script & Translation]
M: Hi, Maria. Can I speak to you for a moment?
W: Hi, Jack. What is it?
M: I got an email from Topline Video Productions, the company that has their annual meeting at our hotel every year.
W: What is it about?
M: They said they wanted to cancel their reservation this year.
W: What? What reason did they give?
M: Poor service. They said they’d asked about discounts, but nobody got back to them.
W: That’s a serious complaint. Did you get back to them?
M: Me?
W: Yes. I clearly remember I told you to respond to them.
M: Topline Video Productions? Wait. Topline. Yes, I
remember now. Oh, no. That was a few weeks ago. I got so busy.
W: This is a serious problem. Topline Video Productions is one of our top customers.
M: I completely forgot about it. I’ll go fix this right now.
11 정답 ③
[Script & Translation]
W: Jake, I came across something you may be interested in.
M: What is it?
W: This online lecture site is recruiting translation volunteers.
M: Cool! For any language?
W: Hold on. [Pause] Take a look at the website. It looks like they need people for a lot of languages.
M: Wow! It says over 100 languages.
W: You should apply. Your Spanish and Korean are really good.
M: Yeah, this is definitely something I’m interested in.
But I’m not a professional translator.
W: That’s okay. Look at their list of translators. They’re all amateurs like you. Besides, you’ve won a few Spanish essay contests.
M: Hmm... I’ve only done a little translation in my free time.
W: I think that’s enough. And your skills will improve the more you do it.
M: That’s true, but I think I need more practice.
W: Have more confidence. Your language skills are great.
12 정답 ②
[Script & Translation]
W: Dad, how is your sign language class at the community center going?
M: Good. I can have simple conversations now. W: Great! How long have you been taking it? M: Three months. This weekend is the last class.
W: So are you going to move on to an intermediate- level class?
M: I would like to, but the community center only has beginner-level classes.
W: Oh. How about taking an online class? There are some free online universities open to anyone.
M: Really? Do they actually have a sign language class, though?
W: They might. They have so many different subjects. It’s pretty impressive. And the instructors are really good usually.
M: That’s cool. Have you ever taken a free online class? W: Yeah. Actually, I just signed up for a Spanish course for beginners. You should look online to continue
your studies.
M: Great! I’ll check if there are sign language classes.
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