17 복합 이해_21006-0340.mp3
2022학년 수능특강 영어듣기 17 복합 이해 대본 및 정답 mp3 ebs
17 복합 이해
정답 1 ⑤ 2 ⑤
M: Hello, students. Last time, I gave you a list of
English expressions containing color terms. Today, we’ll learn how these expressions got their meanings. The first expression is “out of the blue,” meaning something happens unexpectedly. It came from the phrase “a lightning bolt out of the blue,” which expresses the idea that it’s unlikely to see lightning when there’s a clear blue sky. The next expression, “white lie,” means a harmless lie to protect someone from a harsh truth. This is because the color white traditionally symbolizes innocence. Another expression, “green thumb,” refers to a great ability to cultivate plants. Planting pots were often covered with tiny green plants, so those who worked in gardens had green-stained hands. The last expression, “to see red,” means to suddenly get very angry. Its origin possibly comes from the belief that bulls get angry and attack when a bullfighter waves a red cape. I hope this lesson helps you remember these phrases better.
01~02 정답 01 ③ 02 ④
W: Hello, everyone. I’m Lois Griffin with Healthy Life TV! Do you want to have shiny white teeth? Then listen up for some natural home remedies to whiten your teeth. First, try using coconut oil. Gargle 1 to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil for 10 to 15 minutes. This helps to remove plaque from and kill bacteria in the mouth, which helps to whiten teeth. Baking soda is another option. It’s not harsh, and it can help scrub away surface stains on teeth. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with water to make a paste to brush with. You can also try apple cider vinegar. Dilute a very small amount of it with water and use it as a mouthwash. Herbs also have teeth-whitening properties. Just grind herbs and apply the powder to your teeth. Let that sit for 5 minutes and then brush your teeth. It may be best to try a few of these treatments and rotate them throughout the week to see which ones are best for you. Join me tomorrow for more tips on healthy living!
03~04 정답 03 ⑤ 04 ④
[Script & Translation]
M: Good morning, students. Last class we looked at different types of dance. Today we’ll focus on the physical benefits of dance, specifically four types of dance. First of all, tango is a Latin dance that involves particular rhythms, quick changes and dramatic postures to hold . It’s great for strengthening your body overall. Next is salsa. There are set steps to follow which require a lot of shoulder movement and twists and turns, so you’re constantly shifting your weight. This really helps improve your flexibility and balance. Ballet is a classic dance, and a great foundation for all types of dance. It involves balance, control and flexibility. Finally, pole dancing has become increasingly popular as a form of exercise. It involves dancing with a vertical pole, and it helps increase muscle endurance, coordination, and upper- and lower-body strength. Let’s now watch some videos of people performing these dances.
05~06 정답 05 ① 06 ④
[Script & Translation]
W: Hi, listeners. Welcome back to All about Food! Ancient cultures around the world accidentally discovered and purposefully invented various techniques to preserve food. Some of them have proven so successful over time that they’re even still practiced today. Let’s take a look at some of these methods. First, drying is the oldest and simplest way to preserve food. It removes water from food, making it difficult for bacteria and mold to grow. Fruits and vegetables have been dried using preservation methods dating back to 12,000 B.C. And in cold climates, freezing was used by ancient cavemen. Hunters froze fish, seal meat and other small animals. Then, beginning in the Roman time period, other methods began to be introduced. Pickling was amongst the most popular in this time. It preserves food by using acids, such as vinegar. Canning was also used regularly during this time. This is the process of heating and keeping the food in containers in order to destroy any microorganisms that can cause the food to spoil. Now, let’s move on to different types of modern methods and techniques.
07~08 정답 07 ② 08 ②
[Script & Translation]
M: Hello, everyone. I’m Henry Smith from Wellston Senior Center. Wellston Senior Center relies heavily on the time and effort our wonderful volunteers have put in over the years. Wellston Senior Center is continually recruiting volunteers in various activities and services. If you’re good at computers, why don’t you work as a computer helper? You can help our seniors navigate the Internet and use computers. Are you a good driver? You could help us deliver meals to people who can’t buy or make their own food. Do you have an idea for a new course? Volunteer at Wellston Senior Center as an instructor. On any given day, our center has tons of administrative responsibilities. Why not volunteer in our office? We’ve had lots of people who retire from administrative positions and then use their office skills to work with us as receptionists. Whatever your skills are, volunteering is a great way to connect with the area’s growing senior community and to sharpen your social skills. We’re certain you’ll find your volunteer experience rewarding and memorable. Join us today!
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