The Donkey And His shadow 당나귀와 그의 그림자 이솝우화


The Donkey And His shadow


A certain man hired a Donkey for a journey in summer time, and started out, the owner fol­ lowing behind  to drive  the beast.

By and by, in the heat of the day, they stopped to rest, and the traveler wanted to lie down in the Donkey's Shad­ ow; but the owner, who himself wished to be out of the sun, wouldn't let him do that; for he said he had hired out the Donkey only, and not his  Shadow. The  other  maintained that his bargain secured him complete control of the Don­ key  for the  time being.

From words they came to blows; and while they were belaboring each other the Donkey took to his heels and was soon out of sight.


No situation is so bad it can't be turned to someone's profit .

Posted by 최 샘