At a gathering of all the animals, theMonkeydanced and delighted them so much thattheymadehimtheirKing.
The Fox, however, was very much disgusted at thepromotionof theMonkey:so havingone day found a trap withapieceofmeatinit,hetooktheMonkeythereandsaidtohim, "Here is a dainty morsel I have found,sire; I did nottake it myself, because I thought it ought to be reservedforyou,our King. Will yoube pleasedto accept it?"
The Monkey madeat once for the meat and got caughtinthetrap.ThenhebitterlyreproachedtheFoxforleadinghimintodanger.
But the Fox only laughed andsaid,"O Monkey,youcall yourself King of the Beasts and haven't more sense thanto betakeninlikethat!"