Once or twice a week, you take out the trash at your home.
일주일에한두번, 당신은집에서쓰레기를가지고나간다.
It's a simple task to walk outside to do that.
But have you ever thought about the trash in outer space?
After all, the nearest garbage can is thousands of kilometers away on the Earth.
어쨌든, 가장가까운쓰레기캔은수천킬로미터떨어져있긴하지만말이다.
Unfortunately, the region of space that surrounds the Earth has become an enormous garbage dump filled with space junk.
불행하게도, 지구를둘러싸고있는우주영역은우주쓰레기로가득한쓰레기더미가되어왔다.
This space junk, or space debris, includes not only regular garbage but also parts of or entire satellites and rockets that have been abandoned in space and have started orbiting the Earth.
Additionally, the same collision would be a sure way of creating even more space junk.
덧붙여, 동일한충돌은더많은우주쓰레기를만드는확실한방법이될것이다.
Space junk doesn't stay in orbit forever though.
As it moves around the Earth, its orbit slowly sinks so that it gets closer and closer to the planet.
그것이지구주위를돌면서, 그공전궤도는서서히약해지고그럼으로인해그것은지구로점점더가까이가게된다.
In the end, the force of the Earth's gravity causes the junk to enter the planet's atmosphere, and then it plunges to the ground.
결국에는, 지구중력의힘이쓰레기를지구의대기로끌어당기고그러면그것은땅으로떨어진다.
Small items get burned up by the heat of reentry, but anything 10 centimeters or larger in size typically manages to reach the Earth's surface in some form or other.