By using scissors and sheets of paper, he started a new phase of his career.
가위와여러장의종이를사용함으로써, 그는그의경력에있어새로운국면을시작했다.
Matisse called the last 14 years of his life "a second life."
The cut-out process consisted of four steps.
After purchasing raw materials — paper and gouache (a type of paint), studio assistants cut rectangular sheets of paper from large rolls and painted them with gouache.
She asked Matisse if he could help with the design of the chapel.
That's how he came to be involved in the project.
Matisse spent more than four years working on the chapel and completed it in 1951.
He designed the interior, murals, decorations, and stained-glass windows.
그는내부, 벽화들, 장식들그리고스테인드글라스창문들을디자인했다.
From the outside, the chapel can be recognized by its blue and white tiles and 13-meter-high iron cross.
밖에서봤을때, 그성당은파란색, 하얀색타일들과13미터높이의철십자가로알아볼수있다.
It is simple and harmonious, as is the white interior of the chapel.
When light comes through the stained-glass windows and splashes colors everywhere, one feels as if one were inside a colorful painting created by Matisse.
Matisse regarded this work as the fruit of his whole working life.
He said, "In spite of all its imperfections, I consider it my masterpiece."
그는"불완전함에도불구하고, 나는그것을나의대표작이라고생각합니다."라고말했다.
Matisse worked until the end of his life in 1954.
As he once wrote, he sought to create art that would be "a soothing and calming influence on the mind, like a good armchair that provides relaxation from physical fatigue."
He made an important contribution to collage with a series of works using colorful cut-out shapes.
Enduring physical hardship, he made the unthinkable possible.
육체적인고통을견디면서, 그는상상도할수없는것을가능하게만들었다.
His mastery of paper-cutting elevated what had been a children's art activity into a real art form.
Matisse is now recognized as one of the most innovative and influential artists of the 20th century.
Further Reading
The Korean Art of Painting Buildings:
Dancheong, which literally means "red and green," refers to the beautiful five-colored designs found on the pillars, eaves, and ceilings of traditional Korean wooden buildings.
A building painted with dancheong emphasized its resident's status, and its bright colors were also believed to protect the building from evil spirits.
단청으로칠한건축물은거기에살고있는사람의지위를강조했고, 또한, 단청의밝은색들은악령으로부터건물을보호해준다고믿어졌다.
Dancheong consists of five basic colors: blue, red, black, white and yellow.
단청은파랑, 빨강, 검정, 하양, 그리고노랑의다섯가지기본색들로구성된다.
These colors can be mixed together to form countless other colors, and were thought to create harmony and balance.
이색들은함께섞여서셀수없이많은다른색들을만들어낼수있고, 조화와균형을만들어낸다고여겨진다.
Dancheong's harmonious combination of colors represents the ancient Koreans' desire for stability and peace in their lives.
Dancheong is now difficult to find because Koreans today no longer paint dancheong on the pillars or ceilings of their homes.
However, this does not mean that it has disappeared entirely.
Modern artists and designers are reviving dancheong, using it as inspiration for new designs in painting, architecture, clothing, furniture, and on the stage.