Sometimes in life, the choices you make turn out to be wrong.
Do not worry―it is not the end of the world!
걱정하지마라. 세상이끝난것이아니다!
In traffic, what you do in this situation is just turn around or find a detour.
That is exactly what you should do in real life, too.
You will encounter many dead ends as you go through life, but you can always find your way out of them.
인생을살면서많은막다른길을맞닥뜨리게되겠지만, 당신은항상그곳에서빠져나올길을찾을수있다.
Life is not always a smooth ride.
There will be bumps here and there.
If you are not careful, a bump can make you fall.
조심하지않으면, 장애물에걸려넘어질수있다.
However, driving your life to steer clear of all the bumps can become boring and uneventful.
Once in a while, a bump can be a nice experience as well!
Right or left?
오른쪽? 왼쪽?
There will be times when you face a choice.
You may want to concentrate on your studies, so you decide to quit a hobby that you have had for years.
Think again!
Before putting away the paint brush or stopping your dance lessons, you should think about how you could divide your time between studying and hobbies.
What you learn in school will be of great value to you as you face adversity in the future.
Strive to become a well-rounded individual who has a broad range of knowledge and can speak on any subject.
It is imperative to concentrate on schoolwork now so you can take advantage of what comes your way in the future.
When life gets confusing, be prepared to stop.
Take a moment to contemplate where you want your life to go and which choices will get you there.
In the future, not as many people will tell you what to do with your life as there are now.
미래에는, 당신이인생에서무엇을해야할지에대해서알려주는사람이지금만큼많지않을것이다.
It will be up to you to make your own choices, so make a habit of stopping to reflect as you go.
스스로선택을하는것은당신의책임일것이다. 그러니살면서깊이생각하기위해멈추는습관을들여라.
Take responsibility for your choices, and think about which roads you want to choose as you continue through life.
당신의선택에책임을지고, 인생을살아가면서어떤길을선택하기원하는지를생각해보아라.
Have you ever heard of the expression going downhill.
It means the situation is gradually getting worse.
When this happens, it is important to remember that roads do not usually just go downhill.
이런일이생기면, 보통내리막길만있는것이아니라는것을기억하는것이중요하다.
They go uphill, too!
Eventually, your situation will change, and you will find yourself going up again.
결국, 상황은바뀌고다시올라가고있는당신자신을발견할것이다.
Just keep going!
Are you going so fast that you cannot control your life?
In that case, ease up on the gas.
Once in a while, it is a great idea to push hard and try to accomplish a great deal in a short amount of time.
가끔은, 단기간에큰성과를얻기위해밀어붙이는것이좋은생각이다.
After that, however, we all need to relax and recharge our batteries before pushing forward again.
하지만그후에, 우리모두는다시앞으로나아가기전에휴식을취하고재충전할필요가있다.
Otherwise, we could slip and lose our focus.
그렇지않으면, 우리는미끄러지고중심을잃을수있다.
Finally, slow down.
마지막으로, 속도를줄여라.
You do not need to multitask and speed through life.
Just imagine trying to hold five conversations at once.
It does not work very well, does it?
그것은잘되지않는다, 그렇지않은가?
You cannot concentrate or really think about any one of them.
It is often better to slow down and focus on one thing at a time.
Remember, haste makes waste.
There is really no rush!
You do not have to experience everything before you are twenty!
Extended READING
Congratulations to all graduates.
모든졸업생여러분, 축하합니다.
Today we stand at the threshold to the future, proud of past achievements and hopeful for a new beginning.
We began high school as restless kids, and we have become adults both physically and mentally.
우리는천방지축아이로고등학교생활을시작했고, 이제는신체적으로나정신적으로어른이되었습니다.
From now on, each of us will travel our own path, hoping that what we learned in high school will serve as the platform from which to launch ourselves into the bigger world.
No matter which path we take, there will be challenges ahead of us, but we are not afraid.
In high school, we had trouble with friends, schoolwork, and family, and we managed to overcome difficulties, sometimes alone and sometimes with friends, teachers, and parents.
In this process, we learned to persevere and cooperate.
With bright prospects for the future, we now feel ready to explore the uncharted world by traveling, volunteering, working part-time, and doing what we wanted to in the past but could not.