Ice is melting worldwide and the rise in the sea level has increased faster than people can imagine over the last century.
Recently, floods and droughts are becoming more common.
최근, 홍수와가뭄이점점흔해지고있다.
What is happening to our planet?
As we already know, the phenomena are mostly caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that add carbon dioxide(CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Scientists say that to avoid these dramatic changes in the climate, the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80 percent by 2050, and eliminate them entirely by the end of the century.
In 2015, the world emitted 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide to produce energy.
How can we reduce a number like 36 billion tones to zero?
Whenever I am faced with a problem, I turn to my favorite subject: math.
문제에직면할때마다, 나는내가가장좋아하는과목인수학에의지한다.
What I needed was an equation that would help me understand how we ould get our CO2 gas emissions down to zero.
Here's what I came up with.
It might look complicated, but it's not.
On the right side is the total amount of CO2 we put in the atmosphere.
This is what we need to get to zero.
It's based on the four factors multiplied on the left side of the equation:
the world's population(P); the services used by each person(S); the energy needed to provide each of those services(E); and finally, the carbon dioxide produced by that energy(C).
Solar and wind power are reliable energy sources so long as the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, but people still need more dependable energy on cloudy days, at night, and when the air is still.
When I say "miracle," I don't mean something that's impossible.
내가"기적"이라고말할때, 불가능한것을의미하는것은아니다.
We've seen miracles happen before.
The personal computer, the Internet, the polio vaccine.
개인용컴퓨터, 인터넷, 소아마비백신.
None of them happened by chance.
They are the result of research and innovation.
However, when it comes to the problem of climate change, time is not on our side.
Every day we are releasing more and more CO2 into the atmosphere and making the problem worse.
We need a massive amount of research into thousands of new ideas, even ones that might sound a little crazy, if we want to get to zero emissions by the end of this century.