영어독해와작문,시사신정현1과, 본문 해석 mp3 영어오디오, The Power of Believing You Can Do Better
The Power of Believing You Can Do Better
Facing a challenge, we make a choice and work hard, doing our best.
도전에직면했을때, 우리는선택을하고최선을다해열심히일한다.
Our success or failure gets evaluated in terms of the end result.
For example, failing a course at school, we get a capital "F" for our grade, standing for "Fail."
예를들어, 학교수업에서낙제했을때, 우리는대문자F를점수로받는데, 이것은실패를의미한다.
It does not matter how much effort we have put in our studies.
What matters is that our work did not meet the standards.
It sends a message that with regard to the grade, we achieved nothing.
Behind the grading system is what is called a "fixed mindset."
Think for a minute.
What if we got a grade of "Not yet" instead of "Fail"?
우리가'Fail' 대신에'Not yet(아직아니다)'이라는성적을받는다면어떨까?
In that case, we would understand that we are on a learning curve.
그럴경우, 우리는(아직) 배움의과정속에있다고여기게될것이다.
The grade, instead of defeating us, would encourage us to try again, since it implies we will eventually meet with success, although we are not yet there.
Behind the "Not yet," there is an alternative attitude toward success and failure.
'Not Yet'이라는말뒤에는성공과실패에대한대안적인태도가있다.
It is called a "growth mindset."
The growth mindset focuses on the possibility of improvement.
That is a powerful motivator.
I don't want to look like a failure.
I'm comfortable making mistakes.
The two mindsets have critical differences in the ways they cope with challenges.
In one study, students were given problems that were hard for them.
한연구에서, 학생들에게어려운문제가주어졌다.
Some reacted in a surprisingly positive way, saying they loved a challenge.
어떤학생들은의외로긍정적인방식의반응을보였고, 도전을좋아한다고말했다.
They were the ones with the growth mindset.
They knew their abilities could be developed and they enjoyed the process.
그들은그들의능력이개발될수있다는것을알았고, 과정을즐겼다.
Other students, however, felt they were in serious trouble.
한편, 다른학생들은그들이심각한곤경에처했다고느꼈다.
With the fixed mindset, they thought their intelligence was being tested and they would fail.
고정적마음가짐을가지면그들은그들의지적능력이평가받고, 그들이실패할거라고생각했다.
What happened next?
The students with the fixed mindset looked for someone who did even worse than they did so that they could feel good about themselves.
고정적마음가짐을가진학생들은자신에대해좋게느낄수있도록, 그들보다훨씬못한사람들을찾았다.
They also said they would probably cheat the next time, instead of studying more.
그들은또한다음엔공부를더하는대신에, 아마도부정행위를할것이라고말했다.
In short, they ran away from their failure, learning nothing from it.
요컨대, 그들은실패로부터달아났고, (결과적으로) 아무것도배우지못했다.
The students with the growth mindset, however, were not afraid to confront the problem and correct it.
Unlike the former, the latter gained knowledge and experience from the challenges and, as a result, grew intellectually.
전자와달리, 후자는도전으로부터지식과경험을얻었고결과적으로지적으로성장했다.
In the world of sports, mindsets often make or break champions.
스포츠의세계에서, 흔히마음가짐은우승자의승패를좌우한다.
Billy Beane was a natural at baseball, but he lacked the mindset of a champion and did not know how to fail.
Billy Beane은야구에타고난재능이있는사람이었지만우승자의마음가짐이부족했고, 실패하는법을몰랐다.
He believed that his natural talent was all he needed.
He did not realize he also had to make a huge effort to succeed.
When a batting slump came, he became afraid of entering the batter's box and was embarrassed after every "out."
타격슬럼프에빠졌을때, 그는타석에서는것이두려워졌고아웃을당할때마다당황했다.
He played worse and worse, but he was still good enough to move up to the big leagues.
Billy, however, was trapped by his huge talent because of the fixed mindset and failed as a professional athlete.
그러나Billy는고정적마음가짐으로인해자신의엄청난재능에갇혀있었고, 프로선수로서는실패했다.
In the end, he learned his lesson and became a successful baseball executive.
결국, 그는그의교훈을배웠고성공적인야구단경영자가되었다.
His failure taught him that being a champion was not about talent but about his effort in the process.
The growth mindset, in contrast to Billy's experience, values effort over natural talent.
The real champions are not the ones born with extraordinary talent but those who persist and never give up.
진정한우승자는남다른재능을타고난사람이아니라끝까지해내고, 절대포기하지않는사람이다.
Often called the best woman soccer player to ever play the game, Mia Hamm said she was always asked, "Mia, what is the most important quality of a good soccer player?"
Billy Beane is a former American professional baseball player, who is currently Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations for the Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball.
Billy Beane은전미국프로야구선수였으며, 현재메이저리그소속야구팀인Oakland Athletics의전략분석부사장이다.
Mia Hamm (1972 - present)
Mia Hamm (1972-현재)
Mia Hamm is a retired American professional soccer player and two-time Olympic gold medalist.
Mia Hamm은은퇴한미국프로축구선수이자올림픽2관왕이다.
In terms of the growth mindset, success is constantly being reevaluated.
성장적마음가짐의관점에서, 성공은끊임없이재평가된다.
People with the growth mindset find success in doing their best, learning, and improving.
성장적마음가짐을가진사람들은최선을다하거나, 배우면서그리고발전하는데서성공을찾는다.
They do not mind losing, as long as they see improvement or they feel they have done as well as they possibly could have.
If they lose, they work harder.
This idea of success is central to the growth mindset.
If you have a growth mindset, even when you achieve success, you think you are not perfect yet and push yourself harder.
For those with the fixed mindset, success is about establishing their superiority over others.
Lee Iacocca, former CEO of an American car company, confessed after retiring that he failed because he was so proud that he did not promote innovations.
Now repeat them to yourself over and over for the next fifteen minutes.
For a moment, I was sure she was out of her mind.
잠시동안, 나는그녀가정신이나간거라고확신했다.
Just concentrate on the sound of each word.
Think about nothing else.
Ruth was right.
While I was concentrating on saying my mantra, it didn't matter if Chris knew I existed.
What mattered was that it was surprisingly calming.
While slowly repeating my mantra, things in me began to change.
만트라를천천히반복하는동안, 내안의것들이변화되기시작했다.
That evening, as he did every evening, my father came home.
그날저녁, 아버지가매저녁마다그러하시듯, 집에돌아오셨다.
I was studying in my room, as he went into the kitchen.
아버지가주방으로들어오셨을때, 나는내방에서공부를하고있었다.
Upon seeing him, my mother began her daily complaints.
아버지를보자마자, 어머니는그녀가매일하던불평을하기시작했다.
She told him he drank too much.
There were bills to pay and no money to pay them.
지불해야할고지서들이있었고, 그것들을지불할돈은없었다.
Blah, blah, blah.
Her complaining usually upset me, but not this time.
어머니의불평은보통나를화나게하는데, 이번은그렇지않았다.
I accepted the situation and, for reasons that I couldn't explain, I walked into the kitchen and told them I loved them both, and went back to my room.