When a computer equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) beat the world Go champion in Seoul in early 2016, the worries about AI were noticeably increased.
With its development taking place so fast, many people are worried that robots equipped with AI could soon fill positions currently held by humans, leaving many of us in desperate circumstances.
Optimists about AI's development, on the other hand, believe that it will greatly improve our quality of life by helping to cure diseases and solve difficult problems humans are battling with, such as meeting the world's food and energy needs.
반면, AI의발달을낙관적으로바라보는사람들은AI의발전이질병을치료하고세계적인식량및에너지수요맞추기와같은인류가싸우고있는어려운문제들을해결하는데도움을줌으로써우리의삶의질을크게개선할것이라고믿는다.
No one can be sure of what the future may hold, but one thing is certain: AI will have an enormous impact on life as we know it.
Before we examine its possible impact on our future, we need to have a proper understanding of AI.
AI가우리의미래에끼칠영향을조사하기전에, 우리는AI에대해제대로이해해야할필요가있다.
What is AI?
AI is software designed to perceive information and apply it towards solving problems within a given context, in a similar way to how human intelligence does.
It equals or exceeds human intelligence or efficiency in its specific task, but cannot do much more than that.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), or Strong AI, is AI that is as smart as a human in almost all areas.
AGI 또는강인공지능은거의모든분야에서인간만큼이나똑똑한AI이다.
It will be able to reason, plan, understand complex concepts, and learn from experience.
그것은사고할수있고, 계획할수있으며복잡한개념을이해할수있고, 경험으로부터배울수도있을것이다.
Creating AGI is much more difficult because the human brain works in a very complicated way.
Still, scientists are making progress in this area by designing better models of machine learning; in other words, letting AI learn for itself, similar to humans.
그럼에도불구하고과학자들은기계학습의더좋은모델을구축하면서이분야에서진척을이루어내고있다. 즉, AI가인간과유사하게스스로학습할수있게하는것이다.
Though at the same level as human intelligence, AGI will have great advantages over humans.
AGI는인간의지능과유사한수준이지만, 인간보다더우월할것이다.
As to its hardware, its data storage space will be able to be expanded to any size while the brain cannot get bigger.
As to its software, AGI will be able to be continuously upgraded through updates and fixes.
소프트웨어측면에서도, AGI는업데이트와수정을통하여계속적으로업그레이드될수있을것이다.
Through a worldwide network of AGI, anything any single computer learned would be uploaded to all the other computers, which will make all of them smarter simultaneously.
AI at the last level of advancement is called Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).
It is supposed to be much smarter than the best human brains in almost every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom, and social skills.
Many scientists and AI experts have different opinions about when we will have AGI.
많은과학자들과AI 전문가들은언제쯤이면AGI를갖게될것인지에대해서로다른견해를갖고있다.
Some expect it to be as short as ten years, while others expect it to be half a century.
누군가는그것이10년정도의짧은기간으로예상하는반면, 다른어떤이들은반세기가걸릴것이라고예상한다.
What they agree on, however, is that with the rapid developments in both hardware and software taking place simultaneously, the unexpected arrival of AGI will be the likely result.
Then it could create some innovative ways to remove excess CO2 from the air.
ASI could defeat fatal diseases.
If a person has cancer, ASI could use nanotechnology to design special nanobots to perform surgery and manufacture drugs to kill the cancer cells without side effects.
Most jobs requiring a medium level of skills and involving doing routine activities can be replaced with ASI, or even AGI, leaving a large number of people jobless.
The resulting economic and financial instability could lead to serious social problems.
그결과로생기는경제적, 재정적불안정성은심각한사회문제로이어질수있다.
Ethical problems could also arise.
If a self-driving car hit a child, who would be responsible for the accident?
You certainly could not put the car in jail, and it would not be easy to hold the car manufacturer responsible for the accident.
분명히당신은그자동차를감옥에보낼수도없고, 자동차를제조한업체도사고에대한책임을지게할수없다.
Another concern is that if ASI is placed in the wrong hands, it could bring enormous damage to humanity or Earth.
AI is an immensely powerful tool and will become much more powerful as time passes.
Without a doubt, when AI reaches the level of human intelligence, the AGI level, in the future not far from today, it will bring about a fundamental change in our lives and the world will never be the same.
It is up to us how to make it work for the benefit of humanity.
Further Reading
Meet with the Future
Hello. My name is Thomas Frey and I am a futurist.
안녕하세요. 제이름은Thomas Frey이고저는미래학자입니다.
Today, I would like to talk about future jobs and what you need to do to prepare for them.
With all the revolutions in technology, our future is becoming more and more like science fiction.
For example, by 2030, we will put on perfectly fitting 3D- printed clothes, live in a 3D- printed house, own more than one robot, and go around in a driverless car.
예를들어, 2030년경우리는3D 프린터로만든완벽하게맞는옷을입고, 3D 프린트로만들어진집에서살며, 로봇을하나이상소유하고, 무인자동차를타고다니게될것입니다.
These changes will mean fewer jobs in many affected fields.
In fact, I predict that about 50 percent of all the jobs we know of today will disappear.
With machines taking over many of the occupations existing today, will we run out of jobs?
Not necessarily.
Revolutions in technology create new opportunities, just as the Industrial Revolution did in the past.
For example, while 3D-printed clothing will eliminate jobs in manufacturing and retailing, more designers, stylists, and engineers for 3D printers will be needed.
예를들어, 3D 프린터로만든옷이제조업과소매업분야의일자리는없애겠지만, 디자이너와스타일리스트, 3D 프린터공학자들은더많이필요해질것입니다.
In addition, some jobs will never be replaced by robots.
If you want a job that only humans will be able to do, consider the arts, professional sports, or counseling.
인간만이할수있는일을원한다면, 예술이나프로스포츠, 상담과같은일들을생각해보기바랍니다.
21st Century Learning
trying new approaches to get things done, which equals innovations and invention
무언가를해내기위해서새로운방식을시도하는것으로혁신, 발명과같은개념
working with another person or group to attain a goal
sharing thoughts, questions, ideas, and solutions
생각과질문, 아이디어, 해결책을공유하는것
Critical Thinking
looking at problems from another perspective
• Thomas Frey (1944-present)
Thomas Frey is an American futurist and celebrity speaker.
Thomas Frey는미국의미래학자이자유명한연설가이다.
Over the past decade, he has built an enormous following on social media as he has shown the ability to develop accurate vision of the future.
Workers will have to be creative, analytical, communicative, and collaborative.
A good command of foreign languages and a deep understanding of cultural diversity will also be significant assets for job seekers in the future, as the world becomes increasingly borderless.